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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. This is the first one to kind of affect me. I never really liked Jimmy Savile thinking he was weird for quite some time and hearing about his penchant for dead body access. Stuart Hall was not really someone I was a fan of either. But Rolf Harris from his songs and shows was someone I liked a great deal for many years. I even got my kids into him before the accusations were made. Luckily I haven't shown them any videos or played songs for some time and they are young so it won't mean anything to them. However I am actually quite upset by this and what it means for my childhood. Hope Bernard Cribbins is clean.
  2. Oh well that's ok then everything's going to be ok.
  3. This is what's wrong with democracy.
  4. You can end a career with a mis timed or just badly executed tackle. Biting is a sign of a personality disorder.
  5. Fucking bunch of nonces on here like I take co codamol, tramadol & big ibuprofen every night. And fuck me do I rattle when I come off them :-) Seriously though if you're on 30/500 then take them for a week give yourself a couple of days off then another week. If your in serious pain still after that get back to the doc.
  6. Sorry Cath but it is a bit shit now. Fast pass for a maximum of 3 rides. Only very minor characters now available at street meets, it is all geared towards the shops where you are herded from one to another. We thought it was shit.
  7. Debuchy, Krul, Tiote I have a feeling that these three players will not be playing for us at the start of the season.
  8. If you are anywhere near it go to Miller's Orlando Ale House for dinner. Disneyland will be disappointing. Boggy Creek is pretty cool.
  9. We won 5 of our last 20 games. Anyone expecting anywhere near a decent season is utterly deluded.
  10. Not if Spain had won 1-0, Holland spanked Chile 6-0 and Australia had then gone on to beat spain 3-0. Then it would have been lose/lose. But as it turns out yeah was a win/win.
  11. I can't stand lawyers or shows/films about lawyers.
  12. Tbh who we play is immaterial cos we are hugely shit and have signed 2 players one of whom is for the reserves. I am absolutely sure we will get relegated.
  13. You do know they have the same god as Christians and Jews yes? Anyone else I would assume they were being sarcastic.
  14. I'd like to see a fight between the Klitschko (sp) brothers and Ashley.
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