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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. If stars are reflections and as we know the pattern of stars and where they appear and when has been constant since records began. What are they reflections of?
  2. I am going to guess that as an addicted gambler the good bets are far outweighed by the bad.
  3. Religion is a belief in the ethereal which has no real evidential provenance beyond stories and lessons. Science is empirical.
  4. What is it about your past which makes you want to rub it all out and start again? Why can't you be wrong what happened where you weren't believed and it hurt you so much you have to be believed now? Why can't you explain things rationally and then when given proof of holes in your theory why can't you re evaluate? You have to be totally right which is why you are wrong. All scientists with far fetching theories accept criticism and when evidence is produced they re evaluate those theories which evolve. You don't you cannot accept anything you say is wrong. This is a bit disturbing.
  5. That has nothing to do with your explanation of weight.
  6. If air pressure sticks us to the ground then the closer to the point of pressure the stronger the force. How do we fly?
  7. Why is platinum heavier than steel? Tungsten is heavier than steel and it has a melting point double that of steel.
  8. So you can't explain it then because that wasn't an explanation.
  9. No feeling about it Wolfy. You cannot explain the difference in weight between platinum and steel.
  10. Nah he will have to rotate the left back seventy odd times first.
  11. The comparison between Platinum and Steel.
  12. Ha ha ha your argument is blown out of the water with one simple comparison.
  13. Platinum weighs more than steel and has a higher melting point.
  14. Part of the status quo being the Tories shielding their paedo kiddy fucking friends.
  15. He's not an anti semite the jews control everything nutter as well is he? Had to unfriend someone from facebook for that.
  16. Because you're such a nutter everything you say the opposite must be true. Solid ball of steel versus solid ball of lead same dimensions which weighs the most?
  17. They were doing that since scousers were invented.
  18. 3 hours and 40 minutes after I posted that you twat.
  19. There's no room in there anymore :-)
  20. You have explained your batshit theory of what gravity is without any kind of basis, evidence or formula. That 's about as far from really as it gets.
  21. Obviously a paedo cunt. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-28109891
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