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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Commenting on something you know absolutely nothing about is incredibly patronising. in 1979 people voted no because they were unsure about a future Scotland seperated from the rest of the UK. However what they also didn't know was that Thatcher would come along. Use up every drop of Scottish oil to fund her policies and then shit on the Scots from a great height. There are major unkowns on both sides. See UKIP/EU referendum for a future unkown or funding for the NHS. If the future is unkown on both sides, as it is, then is it not better to vote for an unkown you actually control as opposed to an unkown where you have little or no say.
  2. Tupperware are in for a treat then.
  3. At least it would be a fun ride down to armageddon.
  4. I am reading this on a condensed viewer so can't see the authors. However as soon as I saw point 3 I knew this was from CT.
  5. I nearly died in a car accident i was intensive care for two weeks then army hospital for 6 months then rehabilitation for 6 months (learning to walk getting strength back). I couldn't drink at first but when I could I revelled in it as it seemed a great time to live life to the full and laugh in the face of death and all that bollocks. Of course I was a 20 year old squaddie and thick as a whale omelette so had an excuse for being an irresponsible dick.
  6. Couple of pints to celebrate? Good news get healthy.
  7. Good luck Stevie hope you make a decent recovery man.
  8. I tried that but the wife just gives me nasty looks.
  9. Can someone else make a joke up about Cath enjoying Busch please?
  10. Fucking hot in Australia in December.
  11. Yes cos Pardew is undoubtedly more positionally astute and tactically aware than Didier.
  12. We all know what a wanker is.
  13. Your maths is beyond shit. Go on have a look at everything else in the shot and try and estimate a distance.
  14. How far away from the rocket do you think she is then?
  15. He will dismiss that as a hoax.
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