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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. My point was the BoE is fully independent now. It controls interest rates but the UK govt has no say on interest rates and the BoE does not set fiscal policy. If there were a curreny union it would be like devo max for fiscal policy with just broad outlines on tax policy and spending. I.E you can't abandon tax and spend like a sailor at brothel.
  2. Quick question who controls the bank of England?
  3. http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20140912/club-statement-daily-telegraph_2281670_4138864 Bollocks
  4. And after spending all that money she's still with you. Waste of cash IYAM.
  5. Smoke grenades produce tonnes of smoke without any fire.
  6. What's wrong with tickling colons you howitzer muzzle ringpiece owner.
  7. The safe bet is surely Southampton to win by more than two goals.
  8. You missed an exclamation there you flatulant baboons pizzle.
  9. She's old there must be a bowling club do on tonight.
  10. You calling me a liar now you ugly piece of monkey jizz.
  11. Just got to hope he gets prison and bummed to death I suppose.
  12. Maybe we should just put disabled people down? Especially those born with disabilities like Tanni Grey-Thompson. You know fuck all about Scottish politics or economics. You know less about people with disabilities and their role in society. You piece of mouldy rectal tissue.
  13. Because we're not all a drain you cock. I manage a team of test engineers and have a very good salary. We are in the main productive members of society who work and pay tax. You discriminatory lickspittle.
  14. Us spackas get a bit upset at being marginalised.
  15. If you can keep your head while all around you are losing theirs...... Then you're probably in ISIS.
  16. What's wrong with disabled people you shit eating cockended cunt. I am a war disablement pensioner and classed as disabled in case you were wondering about the cause of my vitriol you maggot penised prick.
  17. It won't be network dependent will it? I thought it just connected to an IPhone / Ipad.
  18. Going down the pan in an independent Scotland by the looks of it.
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