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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Just like all those other countries who gained independance from the UK.
  2. It's weird that someone I thought had some intelligence is as completely dense and closed minded as you are. I LIVE IN A DIFFERENT PLACE NOW, I VOTE FOR MY CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES. Independance has nothing to do with my view on England or the English but for a wish to be self governing.
  3. The stadium is only worth what someone would pay for it if buying the club. It has no intrinsic value in of itself. He couldn't flog it to a developer for instance.
  4. I would like England to vote to leave, and Scotland to vote to stay, this would trigger a referendum and the No campaign couldn't raise scare stories about Scotland not being part of the EU if they vote Yes.
  5. He's right. I am sure he could conspire to fuck up completely and not get promoted as well. In which case he would start haemorraging (sp) money without the advertising and importantly without the fans.
  6. You have to wonder what is missing from his life to make him want to do that.
  7. Did you get a knock on the head in training?
  8. As a Vet with a war disablement pension can I just say if you are lying to make your posts seem a little less cuntish that makes you a piece of shit and two steps up from being a nonce.
  9. Just so you know ESSEMBEEOFSUNDERLAND is not representative of the majority of NUFC supporters. Or human beings.
  10. One of the main problems for Labour is their internal promotion policy. For the purpose f explanation I will use two former MPs to highlight my point. In my constituency we used to have Adam Ingram as MP. He was nicknamed Adam "ten jobs" Ingram as whilst being the armed forces minister he also had ten directorates all with companies in the arms trade. This caused an initial schism between grass roots members in East kilbride and the ruling executive made up of councillors and Adam. The man chosen to take over and duly elected in 2010 was Michael McCann. This man is an out and out crook and well known as one of the biggest backhander takers in Scotland the BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-12559916 and the Herald both ran stories about his relationship (undeclared) with a local property developer while on council planning commitees http://www.heraldscotland.com/politics/scottish-politics/new-question-over-labour-mps-support-for-property-developer.25881850 . The man aslo was a huge bully at hustings and just shouted peole down at every opportunity. The Labour party's job is to find the best candidates for eac seat they contest Michael McCann shows they just run on internal power structures and top level influence. And Jim Murphy as the Scottish leader. The man is an absolute horror show. Ken Livingston and Tony Benn both hated him, he was accused of being anti democratic when running NSU and rolled over on tuition fees when NSU president in return for entry nto the upper echelons of the Labour party. But he was sent to Scotland to "srt out the election". He made gaff after gaffe and was shown to be un intelligent and again just a loud bully. Oh and the constant butt of jokes due to him going to uni for 9 years and still not getting any qualifications. To me the Labour party needs to perform interna surgery and get rid of a lot of useless self promoting candidates and go looking for talented intelligent passionate people not just in it for the cash. Oh and a few less nonces would go down well too.
  11. Would go to a fight off. The next in line versus the champion of the unborn child picked by the mother. Full WWE hell in a cell hardcore rules.
  12. North Korea has not got a nuclear capable sub ffs. Fuck me warm up those two braincells.
  13. You, CT, blackandwhitegeordie, does that count as a handful?
  14. I liked Chuka Umunna's suit this morning.
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