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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Anyone who buys that needs to commit suicide. Remember just to do yourself though don't bring anyone else into it.
  2. It's incredibly accurate being based on facts researched at university. The commission has agenda setting powers and a management role. Quite like our own civil service. The main power in the EU sits squarely with the council of ministers.
  3. TTIP will allow companies to sue countries for making decisions. The EU does not do that. The EU is made up of either elected MEPs or the council of ministers who are as the name suggests ministers of the elected parliaments of the member states. Like all countries where issues arise the courts decide using legal processes to make that decision.
  4. Anyone else reckon Fish is jinxing things on purpose?
  5. I was baked off my skull in heaton one time at a friends house. We ran out of milk for tea and bread and butter for toast and I drew the short straw to go and get the required supplies. Being totally toasted myself my plan was to pick up the what I wanted hand over cash and walk away without any interaction with none stoned humans. To my horror I realised this was going to be impossible as the botles of milk were not in a free standing fridge as I expected but were in a cold shelf / counter behind which the local shopkeeper stood. They had each kind of milk you could imagine in bottles with colour coded tops for semi skimmed, skimmed and full fat as you would expect and those bottles of orange juice you can get of the milkman same shape and all that. I handed over the bread and butter and asked the kind gentleman if I could have some milk. I actually think I just gestured and kind of said "milk please". TO which the man asked as to what type I wanted, he did this by asking what colour. Of course my dulled response to this was "can I have a white one please" to which the man chuckling to himself picked out a random bottle and enquired if I wanted any cigarette papers. I said yes please paid and was on my way.
  6. Anyone else hoping Tottenham and SOuthampton win Sunday and Liverpool lose?
  7. You're wrong about a lot of things you're sure about.
  8. Contrarian thinker? Hhhmmm ask him what shape our planet is.
  9. I get more pleasure watching myself taking a shit in a mirror than Gerrard or Lampard.
  10. I took the high ground as always 😄
  11. Who does it kill off who is a good character. Also killing off good characters is what GOT has built it's reputation on.
  12. How many people on here have a login on there for wind up purposes?
  13. He's too busy on a mission with delta force.
  14. Watching Orphan Black on netflix. It seems canny enough.
  15. It annoys me they blame the EU when most of the decisions are made by the council which is made up of the home countries ruling parties.
  16. I still think a half fit Gouffran is better than a fully fit Obertan. But that is more a mark of the low regard I have for Obertan.
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