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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. I just hope he does something special on bonfire night.
  2. You should come to Glasgow they don't get AUgust Bank Holiday off and all the kids will be back at school. Get the bus tour round the city see some sitea and then take in some good bars.
  3. Parents were more laissez faire in the 70's though.
  4. He is doing a gig with Hardcore Holly soon for any wrestling fans out there.
  5. My mate Steffen Peddie is Alan's holiday stand in.
  6. I've always got a much better pay increase by switching jobs than staying in one place.
  7. I don't understand loyalty questions from fans, football is not the same as it was even in the 80's. Players are just employees and who here wouldn't move jobs for better pay and benefits out of loyalty to their employer. Fuck it I would sell company secrets if I could find a buyer.
  8. Have you seen the dick (Finlay not Tom) claims Duke Ellington was his Godfather.
  9. See you Gideon ya wee radgie prick. Ahm gonnae batter yur cunt in.
  10. Also stolen from George Takei https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/11202847_1308548119174638_1514595897182161735_n.jpg?oh=800929d3975285a66240dc8b4572a24e&oe=56262EED
  11. When was the last time a taxi driver paid tax?
  12. I watched episode one and thought it was shit. Watched Dirk Gently though and really enjoyed it.
  13. Spy, I was a bit pissed but thought it was hilarious. Especially Jason Statham.
  14. You think crowds in Britain shouldn't favour British players?
  15. Happy birthday to you, you were born in a zoo, you look like a..... Oh wait a minute.
  16. He'll start arguing with himself soon.
  17. I know it's like nice guys who pretend to be bad in the wrestling.
  18. But one of the most educated so we know exactly what's wrong with us.
  19. So when you drink wine you take it out of the fridge so you don't have to keep going back to the fridge to fill it up? But for every glass you go to the freezer to get more grapes?
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