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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Desperately talking the wife into emptying the bank account so we can bet on England to win the ashes.
  2. George Clooney plays Buzz Lightyear in Les Miserables? Talk about a directors cut.
  3. Google Haut de la garenne Edward Heath and you will see the whispers go back years.
  4. Because they were built with PFI which was a complete and utter fuck up which means most councils are in debt up to their eyes on schools they no longer own.
  5. DId you think Dawn of the Planet of the Apes had too many special effects?
  6. You think a film based on the premise of a man shrinking down to the size of an Ant had too many special effects?
  7. Being cunts isn't a fuck up. I mean brown paper bag fuck ups. Or maybe a current cabinet member being a paedo.
  8. For Labour to win and overturn a 12 seat majority the main thing that needs to happen is for the Tories to fuck up massively which they probably will.
  9. At least he didn't pretend to be ex army to win an internet argument.
  10. I bet they put the crusts on the outside of their catshit pies.
  11. See if I posted that it would have sounded well weird. Bill Cosby weird.
  12. Cat shit filled with pastry? How do you make normal pies?
  13. It was the beginning of an 80's film where they shoot each other with paintball guns. I think.
  14. I know exactly what you mean but I think it's actually a dangerous word and it's structure and definition allows implications to be attached to its use which it is harder to do with the word, think.
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