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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. From the BBC like. "In June 2014, the group formally declared the establishment of a "caliphate" - a state governed in accordance with Islamic law, or Sharia, by God's deputy on Earth, or caliph. It has demanded that Muslims across the world swear allegiance to its leader - Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badri al-Samarrai, better known as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - and migrate to territory under its control. IS has also told other jihadist groups worldwide that they must accept its supreme authority. Many already have, among them several offshoots of the rival al-Qaeda network." Sounds a lot like power to me. It does mention being a tool of the end times as well but there are no direct quotes. Renton I assume you are good at your job and passionate about what you do. However looking at conflict and the drivers of conflict you are about as deep as a wet pavement. The middle east was fairly peaceful for hundreds of years barring the odd internicine conflict mainly on a small scale. However time and again the main cause of large scale conflict has always been interference from the west. This started with the crusades anmd then went quiet again for many hundreds of years until again the west stuck its oar in. After world war one Britain decided to carve up the land drawing arbitrary borders across ancient homelands making enemies neighbours and family foreigners. The introduction of the internal combustion engine further exacerbated the issue, the US were happy to pay for Saddam's war against Iran and then saw Saddam's invasion of Kuwait as a way of getting feet on the ground in the middle east (by the way kuwait was slant drilling under iraq). This was the pre cursor to Geoge Jr (halfaheed to his pals) getting all upset when Saudis flew planes into the twin towers (15 0f the 19 were Saudis) and using this as an excuse to invade Iraq. People use religion and have always done so, in fact it was people who created religion just in case you didn't know. To blame a concept for the act of individuals takes away the responsibility of that individual for their own actions. We all have free will, no one can make us do things we do not want to do, this is whay I object to people blaming religion for the actions of humans.
  2. It is incredibly difficult to translate, also has contradictions and major verses point to the writer believeibng in a flat earth. It is like many religions daft. However it laso has many points about not killing women and children and does not demand all people convert to islam. Muhammed himself was quite happy to mix with non believers and the quran does specifically state that anyone visiting a different land must abide by their rules. People want power, they have used many things to get this power and one of them is religion, that is what ISIS and Al Quaeda and indeed the IRA, UVF, Baader Meinhoff et al have all been about, power. The achieving of it and the use of it.
  3. It took you over 24 hours to come up with Boko Haram. The group was formed and supported because the leader (who was an absolute nutter and would have been if religion didn't exist) was able to link political corruption to "western interference" and showed how the west was "waging war on islam" because of the invasion of Iraq. You really have no depth of intelligence do you? If Islam is to blame then why is it just a very small minority of Muslims who are terrorists?
  4. At it again. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-34897310
  5. Seriously either you don't understand the meaning of "root cause" or you are just being a moron. The root cause for what is happening in the middle east is the american support for Israel. Israel is a state which flaunts international law on a daily basis. America suports Israel because Jewish votes can swing presidential elections. Israel likes to blow up the palestinians and ghettoise them as well as expanding illegal settlements and blocking the recognition of the palestinian state. America still supports Israel even though it flouts UN resolutions. This radicalises young muslim men to attack america 9/11 America responds with the invasion of Afghanistan and iraq. Many muslim people are lockerd up without trial and abused in prison. The area is turned into an unstable hell hole. America performs drone strikes, some of which miss and hit schools, hospitals, weddings etc. Disaffected muslim youths are then ripe for radicalisation due to these acts. You seriously miss the point when saying radical islam is the root cause. Radicalisation is always a reaction to something.
  6. I didn't say it wasn't to blame. It isn't the root cause.
  7. If you think that the root cause of this is radical islam then you really have no idea what has been going on at all.
  8. Bought the cheap expensive Cognac and Armagnac from Aldi. Still pissed off I missed the 1973 Napoleon Brandy in 2013.
  9. I believe they do can you link to this part of my culture.
  10. And would you be happy answering quastions on the habits of welsh mountain hermits as being representative of your culture?
  11. But only by a minority in the rural pashtun areas, so it's not really part of his culture.
  12. Do they have the burqa in pakistan?
  13. Do you know where Aimaad is from?
  14. As is living your life by a book written aproximately 4000 before that or one 600 years(ish) before it. It seems to me that muslims are getting picked on because they have a lot of nutters on the books who claim to be fully affiliated but have in actuality been blackballed by the comittee. It also boils my piss that muslims killing people is terrorism whereas white power nutters killing people is just a normal crime.
  15. Ok now let's compare that to something written in europe regarding women at around 610 CE....... Ok I have just had a look and no one in Britain bothered with writing laws at this time. Also the translation you have chosen is different from all of these translations from different people https://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/nora/html/33-59.html some of which have annoyed where you have molested. The lessons here are Don't compare 620CE Arabia with modern europe. If you are citing a book written in a different language be absolutely certain of the translation I am a pedantic twat.
  16. Can you post the verse again I can't be arsed to look?
  17. We've got one but I still managed to get in.
  18. The burqa is not required according to the quran. It advises women to dress modestly, that is all. The burqa et all are cultural forms of dress from different Arab tribal traditions.
  19. I didn't say it would, it's just the necessary starting point before anything else remotely peaceful can be achieved.
  20. If the west moved out it would stop further radicalisation nd cut the fuel of the fire. Without that action whatever is done will fail.
  21. We can hear it now if you go and look for it. However the media is not interested. And those least interested of all the radical muslims couldn't give two fucks what the fuddy duddies are saying.
  22. Th west needs to get out of the middle east and stop supporting illegal activity. This all started because the US supported Israel so heavily then went ballistic when Blair and Bush decided to invade Iraq and Afghanistan.
  23. Just had a lovely evening at West at Charing cross. A pint of Dunkel to start, then the Munich Red, then the St Mungo, then a Black and back to a Dunkel to finish. Now on the train home with young people looking at me and laughing as I am lip syncing to the Bluetones on my iPhone.
  24. And the fact that it's called SWEGway never prompted suspicion on your behalf?
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