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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Did you take up taxi driving after a head injury?
  2. He got the wrong article but this one hints he may be given a small chance http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/steve-mcclaren-ready-hand-manu-10771021
  3. The way it is being reported is wierd. Like this dark planet is hanging around hiding in a corner watching us.
  4. I like how she wants to leave them alone while at the same time kicking their asses.
  5. Is that not just because their TV money is shit.
  6. I'll pay for your laundry after you piss yourself at the bar.
  7. God I hope my daughter has better taste than that. A fucking Arsenal fan ffs.
  8. Can we get rid of the word Summer from the thread title if we are using it for both windows? It just keeps reminding me how cold and miserable it is right now.
  9. Yeah but he also influenced Suede, so you know, swings and roundabouts.
  10. What he meant by "the buck stops at his door" was that he takes all the money.
  11. Seriously can we just press pause on the cool people dying for a bit.
  12. Bet you know a shed load of people with Scooter albums.
  13. How old was she? She claims she was 13.
  14. So how comfortable are we all with his screwing Lori Maddox when she was 13?
  15. We always get linked with hundreds of players, none of which are signed as we hoover around the edges of the French league.
  16. Florida at easter then Turkey in the summer (unless it has been invaded by daesh)
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