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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Everyone I work with want BSA to get the England job. Him or Beckham.
  2. We love Portugal been going every year for a while now. Plus one of my team has them in the sweepstake.
  3. I hope Portugal win because the biggest cunt at work has Germany in the sweepstake and I can't stand the French football team.
  4. Bush wanted to defeat Iraq to be better than his dad. Blair wanted to feel Bush's cock push firmly into his anus.
  5. This guy was the photographer at a wedding I was at yesterday http://www.toontastic.net/board/topic/36065-kcgs-pics/
  6. Does no fucker bother to learn any of the language of the country they visit. In Turkey and as normal I learned how to say hello, goodbye, please and thank you. Seriously the local staff are reacting like I give them a £10 tip. Taught my 5 year old boy how to say them too and he now has a collection of free Turkish friendship bracelets he gets given by shop staff when he says thank you.
  7. I knew Stevie secretly wanted to give Meenz a pummelling.
  8. Bugger missed another Stevie meltdown.
  9. Article 50 is a two year negotiation for exit from EU.
  10. Does it upset you that we all think of you as southerners?
  11. I wouldn't mind but he's a taxi driver ffs, he has a shit job, he doesn't even have a hack license. Taxi drivers are the most politically myopic fuckers on earth after Americans. Strangely though all the American taxi drivers I have travelled with seem alright.
  12. He gets all of his arguments from thin air, otherwise known as his brain.
  13. My dad likes them. That is not an endorsement to be proud of.
  14. Our only hope is that the majority of mps are remainers.
  15. I grew up in Washington but my dad was head doorman at Crocodillos and before the "The Sombrero" so yes that is all mental.
  16. She still doesn't get it and is in fact a hate filled bigot herself. Homophobia is not the province of Islam alonel and all of the political attacks on the LGBT community come from the conservative christian right. I watched the interview and they were just calling it another terrorist attack and were not looking at the persecution the LGBT community experiences constantly at all.
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