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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. You are a lazy thick cunt aren't you. So GB as a nation has not been invaded since 1066. The last people to think about it did so 77 years ago but didn't actually try. Lucky we had all those nuclear weapons to put them off. If only we could join a political union with all of the European nations to prevent this from happening.
  2. When was this invasion in living memory?
  3. Softbank aren't liquid and part financed the deal with a 1trn bridging loan. If this acquisition doesn't pay dividends quick then softbank could end up in trouble.
  4. Have you worked for the same company all your adult life?
  5. I personally think there are two types of Islamic terrorists. Those at the top who are just sick cunts who get visceral pleasure from seeing people die and the power it gives them and those at the bottom who have been brain washed into this kind of act and who have probably never read the whole of the quran.
  6. you have a higher income than around 93% of the population - equivalent to about 58.5 million individuals. I still consider myself working class but my kids are definitely middle class. But middle class Scottish so that's like working class English.
  7. What's it like living in the south?
  8. We are developing a new early detection micromesh system called securenet. In the new product meeting I was asked how long to produce a test plan. I said "surely it would be better to destroy it now and kill the developer to save that dude from the future the bother" the CTO was not impressed.
  9. It was a while ago and he did vote for scientific funding and against the use of the designation of “doctor” for complementary therapists
  10. There is a difference between prescribing something you know doesn't work because you know it won't work and prescribing something you know doesn't work in the hope that it will work. EDIT: Are all conventional meds made of Organic materials?
  11. I think we should rename the board toonsarcastic just so newbies know what to expect.
  12. Someone needs to look up the meaning of International if they think that includes Belfast.
  13. Lee Casciaro is a policeman so I doubt the veracity of those claims.
  14. You mean someone who didn't study PPE at Oxford? What a ridiculous notion.
  15. Thay all thought Brendan Rodgers was going to take them to European glory 😄😄
  16. Anna Eagles CLP told her to wind her neck in.
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