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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Farage couldn’t knock out a wank.
  2. Fucking hell man there’s some weak ass bitches on here. How the fuck do you ponces cope when something actually bad happens to you?
  3. So we’ll be a debt free psr compliant fan owned club then?
  4. 1 day at a time bud, one step at a time, you have admitted the problem which is the biggest step so you’re on your way. Careers change and new opportunities open so let go of the despair. This is hard because despair is strong and it likes a host, let hope of a future help. Remember hope defeats despair and not just the squid variety.❤️❤️❤️
  5. Could it be because she is ill and has to start stepping away from stressful positions?
  6. Is this the first government without an old etonian?
  7. Comically ironic Leo Kearse calling people a cunt.
  8. Can we not stop newbies posting new topics until they have replied to an arbitrary number of posts?
  9. How have kangaroos not killed more people?
  10. Keep quiet and come home fit. Then be incited to show cocknocker what he missed for the season.
  11. If the country is fucked it’s because of arseholes like you voting for brexit.
  12. I’m betting he’s still a corpse fucker when he comes back with an answer.
  13. You fuck dead people are you Jimmy Savile in disguise?
  14. Birthplace of Henry V greatest of English kings. Well if you’re looking for murderousness in your kings.
  15. Makes you wonder if they just make everything up just for clicks.
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