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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. I think you'll find you turd of a human being that the EU has no say what so ever over non EU migration. Fucking arsewipe.
  2. What the fuck has that got to do with the EU you thick cunt.
  3. Steve McLaren is what helped save Sunderland from relegation.
  4. Nobody complains about stupid unrealistic male characters. Non comic book ones.
  5. It's a term used by insecure men who are scared of female empowerment to throw at strong female characters in an attempt to denigrate the feminist movement.
  6. I think this all comes back to British players being thick and lazy, refusing to go abroad where they will have to learn things.
  7. Makems signing Didier N'Dong for £17million, I know fuck all about this player is that a good buy?
  8. I wouldn't have called that democratisation mind which puts a totally different slant to what they want. Mind I can't be bothered to think up a better politically expediant one word explainer of what that is. I like the idea of internal investment, however to cover everything he wants to would, to my very limited knowledge, seem to cost trillions.
  9. Woohoo Corbyn is going to "democratise" the internet. Seriously does this cunt not have any advisors under the age of 60?
  10. Maybe Rafa didn't like him cos Gerrard's a cunt.
  11. Fucking hell man is he made of dried twigs.
  12. That's my point, kind of, it's all just pure guestimation I have simply gone for the lowest common denominator.
  13. So BSA is thinking of bringing John Terry out of international retirement.
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