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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Unless my maths is way off 1973 wasn't in the 60s.
  2. It's a fucking disgrace is what it is. Also nice to seeing how they are handling Scotland with diplomatic aplomb.
  3. I can't wait for them as I can't abide driving.
  4. Has anybody ever been to one of Gavin Webster's football shows http://www.thestand.co.uk/show/27886/the_footbaaaall_show
  5. Forster wanted to be number 1 we couldn't give him that at the time.
  6. We willing get stronger as the season goes on Huddersfield and Norwich will tire and weaken
  7. His niece was 6 when he died, how the fuck would she know what he did and didn't do.
  8. COuld be done under brining game into disrepute, also for whoring himself out whilst in contract.
  9. I think it would be funnier that he finally gets the top job he was always going on about it then has it pulled from under him because of his owb greed. If he were to fail footballing wise he would blame everyone else and never accept that it could be down to him.
  10. Is that all of the accusations in one go, I'm willing to bet they have more.
  11. Pretty hard to get goals and assists if you're not playing mind.
  12. He will be on a huge wedge now, I bet he doubled his wages at least. ALso he judges the American version so quitting one would probably hsee him out tof the other.
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