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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. I have never heard of clapper, I am taking wikileaks actions during the US elections as evidence they have an agenda. Also I never said I believe th US has had no role in the Yemeni war. I just treat wikileaks information on it the way I treat reports in the daily mail.
  2. If in this case England wants Article 50 to leave the EU and Scotland stops that England could then could say "right fuck off" in which case England has cast Scotland adrift rather than Scotland voting to leave, this process would placate Spain. Also each EU citizen has the right to self determination, there are lots of talks ongoing about this and what it means for each of the likely cessationable states and makes a strong case for continued EU membership opposed to new EU membership. Finally fishing rights, most of the most popular fishing waters are in Scottish hands and these are well fished by Spanish fishing fleets. The Spanish know this and would have to back down or face opposition from within.
  3. So because I am questioning something you say I don't question things.
  4. Because I believe they now have a political pro alt right agenda and anyone with an agenda is liable to make shit up.
  5. Nicola says "shove yer Brexit up yer arse!" http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-scottish-parliament-legal-right-block-article-50-a7438246.html
  6. I don't think she makes any interesting points at all. There is no evidence the remain side used the case to stop brexit and as a partisan not legally trained in any way I don't take what she says on an alt right website seriously at all.
  7. https://thewaltercumpershunterclub.wordpress.com
  8. Some Spuds fans honestly believe they signed a £6m a year over 5 years to pay for Sissoko, which means as soon as they sell him they don't have to pay any more.
  9. If you're going to be hypothetical be fucking hypothetical.
  10. If he couldn't have stopped us then he would not be here now anyway.
  11. I'm not really bothered we lost Forster as we don't have issues in goal
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-38063933
  13. Sell him for £18million on condition we're the ones they loan him to. Tbh I think any young player going to Chelsea is committing career suicide.
  14. Unless I'm mistaken Martin was making an innuendo and I was playing along.
  15. Or you're just shit with occasional glimpses of mediocrity and nobody gives a fuck about your plight, at the hands of your clown of an owner.
  16. Do you think his dad was best friends with Jimmy Saville and used to take young Dan to visit him at weekends?
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