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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. How many times have I heard "haggis eating twat" or "Yorkshire pudding cunt" etc etc, it just doesn't sound like real racism.
  2. I've got two kids if I don't spend it they will. Fuck forgot to quote a lunch post.
  3. He's also very basically not clever enough, he really doesn't like the spotlight, can't think on his feet and can't sense weakness at PMQs.
  4. Paying managers 3 years wages every year can't be good either.
  5. Or a warning shot at Ashley if he tries to fuck him over?
  6. What version of idiot fucks off football to become a small time crook? He could easily have earned a very good living as a footballer if he had bothered. What a grade A+ cuntyfuckwit!
  7. So it's true Kanye is having a mental health episode.
  8. Is that not down to a split populace fighting back against a fascist dictator?
  9. Yep that's what we need an intolerant America becoming pally with intolerant Russia.
  10. I honestly think they're just incompetent.
  11. Russia has more in common with the American alt right than anything on the left of politics.
  12. Craig Murray is a fantasist who was barred by the SNP from standing for "personality" reasons. He then claimed it was because he refused to vote with the SNP in backing the bedroom tax. I know several people who have gone through exactly the same vetting and this is not something that was asked.
  13. Our wedding was a ceiliddh, but most of the people there were Scottish and it was in Scotland.
  14. How the fuck do you pronounce some of them? Please tell me Jet Li is a ginger white kid.
  15. That Infantino sounds very childish............... ........I'll get my coat.
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