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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Strategy, yeah right it's a "strategy".
  2. If Trump is treating America like a company they are fucked because he has made a fair few of those go bankrupt, even a casino ffs
  3. He'll piss everyone off eventually and I honestly think he'll get America into a a huge hole financially.
  4. tbh I hadn't heard of Darron Gibson before today.
  5. Fucking fake Christians, if you're going to pretend to follow a religion to gain power make one up like Hubbard did. If any of the "christians" in America could read he would get nowhere near the bloody white house.
  6. Will it not, bollocks, that's my plan up the Swannee.
  7. Good job there's only one pm who is a Tory then.
  8. But there's the rub, because of the remoteness of the wall, plus the compulsory purchase orders, short term it will be Mexicans who profit the most, I also reckon it will be a huge disaster because of where they are putting it. Lastly when has an estimate on a government funded job been anywhere near correct. If people are estimating 25bn I am willing to bet it will be closer to 75bn or over.
  9. Except all the experts reckon he'll have to buy at least 50% of the concrete from Mexico and hire the cheapest "Mexican" labour. So actually he'll start building a wall which will go way over budget and benefit Mexico the most. I say start because he won't get a second term and whoever comes in will knock the stupid wall straight on the head.
  10. I watched 13th last night after the recommendatiuons on here. Very bleak stuff and absolutely explained why Hilary Clinton did not get the black and hispanic vote en masse.
  11. I'm putting money on Andrew Garfield for Hacksaw Ridge.
  12. Is the Express any better at sports reporting than normal reporting? That sentence does not look right.
  13. I noticed a couple of claims they had Top 10 form in the first 5 months of 2016.
  14. I am not Scottish and never claimed to be, however I have lived here for 14 years, which is 14 years longer than Rod Stewart.
  15. I fucking hate Rod Stewart's plastic jockness and shite Celtic supporting.
  16. A couple of them want to sack Moyes and get Chris Hughton.
  17. What's the odds on Alan Pardew being our manager for the first game of next season?
  18. If Rafa goes anybody still paying to go to the home games would be an idiot.
  19. Arguments with people at work along the lines of me worrying about the consequeces of this shit and they saying "yeah they won't do that though" about everything. They have made it quite clear that they are planning to shaft everybody who works for a living and idiots just think it's posturing. How many times do they have to shaft the fuck out of us before people see what is happening?
  20. The huge plot holes have been glaring and really show up the fact they aren't bothering with Conan Doyle's work now.
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