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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2009/aug/12/carl-sagan-cosmos-personal-voyage
  2. Australia is hugely racist which is bad seeing as they stole the fucking country in the first place.
  3. may I suggest this one http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0081846/
  4. Not as long as there is a burden of proof.
  5. Looked at that without my glasses and wondered why "The Fonz" was a Huddersfield supporter.
  6. @wolfyWhat happens to the moon when we can't see it, what is it and how does it move?
  7. I wouldn't take an iron anywhere near a replica football strip.
  8. It's just my opinion, I'm not trying to convince anybody. They can look at the evidence with their own eyes.
  9. Actually you're just making yourself look like an unhinged twat who should be in a padded room.
  10. Belief is confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof. You believe in your made up bollocks, I will accept the years of empirical scientific output and knowledge.
  11. Making up bollocks with zero basis of empirical evidence is not being inquisitive, in fact it's the opposite. It is lazy I can't be arsed shite to gain attention since your wife fucked off with the science teacher.
  12. Looks like the Makems are going to hire Derek McInnes from Aberdeen.
  13. Horseshit makes good fertiliser ergo is useful, Wolfy's theories on the other hand.
  14. No because denpressure, crystal fairies, dinosaurs and that.
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