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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. A lot of men need to get a grip, White middle class men have ruled the world for centuries and have taken their privilege from others. The move to employ more people of colour and women is necessary to undo the centuries of injustice propagated against them. If you're scared someone is going to come along and steal your job then you don't do it well enough. The jobs which will be lost will be those filled by people given their chance because they were a white male over someone who wasn't. If you are scared by strong representations of people not like you in the media (Star Wars for fucks sake they are actually scared of Star Wars). Then you are a weak fuck who needs to grow a spine and I have absolutely no respect for you. The white man is under attack, but he fucking deserves it.
  2. I'm not racist or misogynistic I am just scared that white men are under attack from darkies and wimmin
  3. You do know that Antifa isn't an actual group right, it's just an umbrella name for a group of groups. They aren't like the KKK or the nazi party of America. Also tell me again, where were the groups of armed left wing Militia when all this was happening? Or did the left wing MSM just forget to mention them. Just so you know I think you're a not very closeted racist misogynist cunt.
  4. How do you put someone on ignore now I can't find it.
  5. I blame Mike Ashley's parents for not buying him a proper yoyo as a child.
  6. That's the best bit about them.
  7. @Rayvin is off to see Redneck 28 next week.
  8. Seriously are you taking the piss? What you are saying is that nazis were not more violent than Antifa until this fuckwit killed someone with a car!
  9. Seriously you beggar belief you nazi cunt. So the KKK have never embarked on violent crimes, Timothy McVeigh was just a bystander. The whole Nazi ideology is based on violent uprising.
  10. If you honestly believe this you need to study right wing activism more.
  11. Yeah but you tell makems that Rafa is shit.
  12. Wikileaks coming in on the side of the alt right is a total game changer. They've been totally unbiased in all their American dealings so far.
  13. @Ant I thin Wolfy is hacking people's accounts.
  14. California is an at will state i.e. there are absolutely no wrongful dismissal laws at all. They can sack you for any reason they wish at any time.
  15. Pages 4-5 It is indeed noted by studies that there are not enough women in tech https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/04/where-are-the-women-in-computing/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/bonniemarcus/2017/07/10/how-women-in-tech-gain-visibility-to-get-ahead/#777195364951 . Also look at the inherent sexism in tech companies http://www.wired.co.uk/article/tesla-sexism-lawsuit-harassment-uber https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/04/why-is-silicon-valley-so-awful-to-women/517788/ . Men whining that trying to encourage women into tech is strangling their masculinity is not helping and that's what this does. If you have any thoughts that Damore is not a right wing troll look at who he is talking to.
  16. He's not right at all, I've been working in IT for some years now and men are not better programmers than women.
  17. So you've read the article (I have) and agree that women aren't as good at computer programming because of biological differences. He cites scientific studies on the differences between the genders then makes a huge leap connecting this to tech engineering ability. He then without checking sends this memo out using the company email network. He wouldn't get protection in GB for that never mind USA. Oh and I like how we're posting alt right youtube channels as evidence now.
  18. I think Kim Jong Un has been spending the last couple of years killing all of the potential heirs.
  19. If an invading army is marching over the area at the time of detonation it could do quite a lot of damage, depending on the size of the nuke.
  20. Stop trying to debate with an insane person who is also a massive cunt.
  21. It looks like something from Small part of California of the apes.
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