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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. What's the chances of Rafa taking it?
  2. Kim has no more nukes, his whole facility is buried under a collapsed mountain. He is getting everything for fuck all.
  3. Watching this soccer aid and I’m happily cheering on the England team... right up until that prick Michael Owen comes on. Come on the rotw!
  4. How many goals did Gayle score in the championship?
  5. Any chance we can send CT to the world cup wearing this
  6. Glynn Edwards better known as Dave the barman from Minder and Cpl William Allen in Zulu.
  7. The public voted for a pack of lies.
  8. Are you saying people will stop going abroad on holiday because of Brexit?
  9. Neville Southall may be my favourite ex footballer out there at the moment. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/jun/04/neville-southall-flak-sex-workers-lgbt-issues
  10. That is fucking awful, fingers crossed they're shit again this season.
  11. I find it funny that Corbyistas are so enraged at Tracy Ullman’s satire of Labour anti semitism that they’re blaming it on the Jews.
  12. We sound like abandoned children whose parents buy them fuck all for xmas every year so they can spend the money on fags and crisps. It will be no different this year from all of the previous years.
  13. He has the look of the paedophile about him.
  14. Not totally surprised but it will be interesting to see if A. he manages somewhere else B. who takes over?
  15. And when Fury beats him he will tell everyone it proves how great he is.
  16. Is having a tattoo of a gun as a tribute because your father was shot the same as getting a tattoo of a cock as a tribute because you were abused as a child?
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