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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. I agree with windfall taxes, of all the things we really need to spend money on however, journalism should not be at the top of that list.
  2. Not sure about terrible seeing as they are 17, I’m not applauding it and think it’s a bit dodgy but to put your mind at rest it isn’t as bad as sexual assault against a clearly unwilling person regardless of age. I know you’re desperate to prove women are just as bad as men when it comes to sexual assault. And that men have every right to be dominant yada yada genetics or some other bollocks yada yada.
  3. "Bennett says in the notice that he had sex with Argento in a California hotel in 2013"
  4. It was written in English, unfortunately you're reading it in moron.
  5. They both grind on me. Angle grinder anyone? I’ll get me coat.
  6. His sister moved out so he can’t keep up his hobby of sucking her shit off his dad’s cock.
  7. Apparently we have a net spend of £3.4m a season since Ashley took over.
  8. Idiots by their nature are not self aware.
  9. Factories are having to pay more that's great, up to a point, I they continue to have to pay high rates for unskilled workers those pay rises will make the factories in the UK non viable as they will start to cost more than they are worth.
  10. In what way would you air the views of fascists, racists, misogynists and idiots without giving them a platform from which they can proclaim acceptance?
  11. You do understand that “the media” is not one homogenous product right? Some sections of the media do tear down the tories. Others tear down Labour.
  12. So you think the voice of idiots should be heard more in the MSM?
  13. I have a feeling that when Trump goes, either indicted or voted out, his supporters are going to go tonto and start shooting up the states.
  14. My main issue with Corbyn is that he seems to be a bit thick.
  15. So Ben Stokes has decided to throw Alex Hales under the bus at the end of his trial. That's teamwork right there.
  16. It sounds like he only had one eye on the game.
  17. Phil McNulty has us to be relegated because of our poor transfer window, but Huddersfield and Southampton to stay up. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/45111234
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