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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Ghosts is a quality British sitcom. Your gif comes from the American version which should be removed from history and all participants killed and their bodies destroyed in acid.
  2. You should be banned for using a gif from the American version of ghosts.
  3. We’ve been a bit shit since October last year. We haven’t improved on the crap form of last year which was blamed on injuries.
  4. Well Labour’s garbage in Westminster must be making the SNP feel more comfortable in Holyrood
  5. No Dennis is older than Neville I was just pointing out the irony of the actual ages being reversed.
  6. Kevin Whately (Neville) is older than Tim Healy (Dennis)
  7. And you used that soap religiously every last Sunday of the month wether you needed to or not.
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/sep/04/georgia-high-school-shooting-apalachee
  9. Well that’s a long question really, there was controversy in Scotland when roadsigns were first erected in Gaelic speaking areas in English. This was in the early 1970s because gaelic speaking = middle of nowhere. When they were A roads (central govt) some lord from Devonshire (ironically) tried to pass a law they had to be in English. Everyone knows how much the Scots love to be told what to do by southerners so that went as expected and eventually led to Gaelic everywhere. This is stupid imho as Gaelic was never spoken by all Scots in every part of Scotland. I also get annoyed when etymological non English words get a bullshit Gaelic translation.
  10. Who’s the youngest? They can be the brat worst.
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