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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. I also think Jon and Dany will die and Sansa will be queen and marry Gendry.
  2. Arya will kill Cersei, the hound will die killing the mountain.
  3. Also it’s nice how someone with fuck all experience talks about tactics and logic like they’ an expert.
  4. Stayed on his feet too even when people were trying to cut him in half.
  5. Also there are loads of buyers waiting to pay good money for them now they aren’t going to lose money by getting promoted.
  6. https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Azor_Ahai
  7. I think they had to decimate the Stark/Targaryan(sp) army to lure Cersei into battle so that when all the other families and armies join with Stark/Targaerian(sp) forces to kick her ass it looks better.
  8. Well know I wasn’t around then, but I don’t think you were either.
  9. Sorry wrong link https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/worldsoccertalk.com/2008/01/04/the-cost-to-advertise-during-a-premier-league-match/amp/ I looked at the cost per minute of a single advert for Middlesbrough and west ham and just extrapolated from there.
  10. With the amount of advertising they have in the stadium £10 million a year is not unreasonable.
  11. Apparently Jack Ross isn’t brave enough with substations. And only has one tactic.
  12. We’re getting relegated next season
  13. And that will include wages, agents fees, transportation, car parking and canteen expenses
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