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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Actual conversation in Glasgow. boy wearing turban playing a slot machine in a bar in Glasgow. Regular sidles up and says “so what religion are you” guy replies “Sikh”. Glaswegian “aye but are you a tim Sikh or a hun Sikh?”
  2. Will war with Iran be his greatest Achomlishment?
  3. Well at least one of my predictions came true.
  4. @trooper you know Ashley is going to fuck it up so just chill. Come on over to the fuckit squad.
  5. Some maybe but not most and don’t bother explaining I won’t agree.
  6. Chelsea, PSG, Bayern, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Man Utd, AC Mlan.
  7. All the best teams have been from a position of financial superiority
  8. I’m sticking with a Baratheon / Stark rule at the end.
  9. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  10. I want Liverpool to win the Champions League
  11. It sounds pretty shitty. And their fucking raison d’etre is obsolete anyway fucking regiment should be shit canned.
  12. Fair enough, I’ve always despised paras
  13. While Paras are wankers I’m pretty sure the coroner may have questioned a piece of skull missing.
  14. It’s funny you mention Scipio yet think having this whole army jammed in a castle without room to swing or manoeuvre is a good idea.
  15. Brilliantly funny in his day unfortunately drugs and demons took their toll, the last literally if you believe his theories on possession. Was arrested and released during operation yewtree and legged it to Spain to avoid paying compensation to a lass he groped. Rip I guess
  16. I think it might be funnier if Spurs beat them.
  17. If we had VAR this season do you think Liverpool would be in the title race?
  18. The whole show is fairly fucked up tbh.
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