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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Since 1976 when Stokoe left only 4 managers have managed for more than 100 games. edit* I got this from Wikipedia so it might be wrong.
  2. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/phil-parkinson.1494549/ So was Jack Ross the longest serving manager in living memory of your average Sunderland fan?
  3. Definitely fair because without a Brexit there is no case for Indyref2
  4. Plus it smacks of the Unions being Corbyn’s puppet masters.
  5. No Nuclear bombs were created because once out of the box they couldn’t be put back in. As soon as the physics showed it could be done that was it. But even without Nuclear arms conventional world wars were out of the question because of the cost and the improvements in conventional weapons.
  6. No the deterrent was the fact that if The Soviet Union prepared for conventional invasion everyone would have laughed their bollocks off that 90% of their armoured force would have broken down on the way.
  7. Actually there is no evidence Nuclear weapons stopped WW3 afterWW2 everyone was fucked and developed Nuclear weapons to put off the other guys. But the might of the Soviet union at its greatest did worse than a depleted NATO in Afghanistan. They knew they could never invade and win a conventional war. Similarly Vietnam put the USA off getting involved in mass invasions and occupation. Each was just ideologically opposed to the other.
  8. Yeah but you bombed yourselves so no sympathy.
  9. It’s true though, both Corbyn and Johnson are Leavers.
  10. Also it’s apparently season ticket renewal day tomorrow.
  11. Been extending my search for a new contract role and looked at Jobs in the North East. Bloody hell IT staff get about £10 grand a year less than they do in Glasgow and Edinburgh.
  12. I was being sarcastic, sorry if that didn’t come across enough.
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