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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. And of course he’s not related to the Queen.
  2. https://www.pressreader.com/uk/scottish-daily-mail/20181221/282634623724854 https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.newsday.com/amp/entertainment/movies/mary-poppins-returns-review-1.24534306 So I’m not the only one to think she was too posh
  3. I hated Poppins because of Emily Blunt speaking like a fucking duchess. Julie Andrews didn’t put a posh voice on.
  4. It was an utter shithole wasn’t it? It was where I first saw Star Wars mind.
  5. I see the BBC News chief has written a piece denying political bias during the election. In the daily Torygraph.
  6. It’s not behind his back, he sits in the corner watching, knocking one out.
  7. Yeah Australia is full of racists like.
  8. I would swap a young Ameobi for Joelinton.
  9. Pretty much left of centre. Because they operate in a proportional representation government there has to be deal making to get anything done. So ideology first manifestos don’t work.
  10. Well it has been nice being in the union with you but we’re afraid the time has come for us to leave. Sorry it’s not us it’s you.
  11. I think that American group which loaned them £10M will be shitting bricks right now because they will be left owning that pile of shit when Don defaults on the loan.
  12. Are they enjoying the FA cup 2nd round weekend break?
  13. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/who-foresaw-the-fans-would-turn-against-stewart-and-charlie.1495565/ This may be my favourite thread ever.
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