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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. You mean KCG with the history degree and avid quizzer?
  2. Now I am glad I’m living in Scotland.
  3. So the headline death rate is 20k but because that’s just in hospital it could be closer to 40k taking into consideration deaths outside of hospitals.
  4. Fuck off and suck your baby sisters shit off your fathers cock.
  5. What’s your fucking stupid point?
  6. We do have vaccines for the flu.
  7. He still doesn’t know the difference between 3 and 2 is 1 though.
  8. Can we get a petition against Mackem incest? Sister fucking should be illegal.
  9. I imagine it is almost impossible to get anything like accurate data as only a tiny percentage will be getting tested.
  10. Just read the Guardian and they all agree the price will rise again after the lockdown
  11. I don’t recall him playing up front for the 1st team.
  12. No you got banned for constant hissy fits and sending abusive PMs.
  13. Not true on the last bit apparently https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/coronavirus-immunity-reinfection-get-covid-19-twice-sick-spread-relapse-a9400691.html%3famp
  14. fuck them all Fuck them all The long and the short and the tall Fuck all the journos and pundits on Sky Give them the finger and wave them goodbye Repeat to fade.
  15. The Democrats are betting Biden will bring back the black voters.
  16. She’s been fine, they’re just figureheads representing a team of experts.
  17. Also is bacteriology a good background for fighting a virus. Before this pandemic women’s health during pregnancy was way more important.
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