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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Cum rags, for when Jacob jzzes on their face while caning them.
  2. It is an utterly shit league and Celtic and Rangers can’t comprehend how they are responsible.
  3. I honestly thought Peng was a place in London and that Peng ting meant the singer came from Peng.
  4. Like Covid is a hoax and Boris Johnson knows what he is doing?
  5. Anyone else annoyed this Tory MP accused of rape is being kept anonymous. If it was a pop star or tv celebrity they would be all over the news.
  6. Do you come on here when you’re waiting for your dad to finish with your sister/mum?
  7. I hope he has a career ending injury if he goes to those cunts.
  8. I read half of that and went looking for the PM you twat 😂😂
  9. He’s another southern private school chancer.
  10. Are you looking for someone to do work or advice?
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