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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Perez has been great since Almiron has arrived.
  2. Diame on, so 3 points to them
  3. Fuck me, I should be lashed for that. Nice comeback KD.
  4. Fucking idiot. If the show was on the other foot we would be spitting feathers man. How many times has a shite decision gone our way and VAR would have sorted it out?
  5. The businesses that have stumped up the cash, great PR move by them. It's also a case of you don't know what you've got until it's gone.
  6. The media frenzy on Sir Ole has gone quiet eh?
  7. They'll probably try and tie it in with the work over the road near the Strawb
  8. wykikitoon


    HGH Still enjoyed watching the last few holes though I am not a golf fan per say but this was pretty cool.
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2019/apr/15/man-sues-parents-for-throwing-out-porn-collection
  10. Some wank pot on 5 Live this morning tried making out the architects will know every dimension of the place. Get to fuck daft cunt. Architects stuggle with new builds let alone a survey on a place like that. That would cost hundreds of thousands. They were begging for money for a fucking masonry repair let alone a point cloud survey and dimension survey. Where the fuck do the Beeb find these glue sniffing cunts?
  11. Said that to my wife and she said 'what?' ffs have a day off..
  12. Watched Gone Girl at the weekend. Not bad, ending was a bit meh, but overall good.
  13. New Line of Duty is good. I would also recommend Antiques Roadshow whilst watching the hashtag on Twitter. Some of the comments are funny as fuck.
  14. wykikitoon


    Everyone spanking off at the PED cheat. The balding cunt.
  15. Yesterday I was expecting to see Liverpool players with black arm bands on, but they didnt really, just a small strip. Whilst the Chelsea players had decent ones on.
  16. Aye but this is the amazing salah. The cunt also dived in the first half and fuck all was said by Tyler the biased cunt.
  17. Cracking goal by Salah. Think Martin Tyler needs to go clean his pants though.
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