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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. That's what I love about you Renton, you dream big.
  2. Just watch Clarksons farm for that.
  3. Clarkson isn't fit to farm the fat cunt.
  4. and me, but if we went off the 'hardest workers' shite, its NHS, Bin collectors, farmers, dinner ladies blah blah..
  5. Some gammon on my Insta said farmers are the 'hardest working sector in the country'
  6. That ginger cunt on CUNTRYFILE with his fucking rare bread lamb manager. His rare bread bull wanker etc. He will be one of he cunts. Never worked a day on the farm in his life
  7. oOOOOooooo But asset rich cash poor apparently
  8. I want the cunts dragged off the roads like the way climate protestors were treated. The same climate that the farmers are complaining about, but tax issues are more important.
  9. https://bsky.app/profile/theother14.bsky.social/post/3lbcdvomnyk2d Andros Townsend was on the Monday Night Club last night wanking off T-Rex
  10. I liked Ormstein but he's got down the wank hole recently
  11. https://bsky.app/profile/chrisdhwaugh.bsky.social/post/3lbbwznhtbc2u
  12. https://bsky.app/profile/memecastleunited.bsky.social/post/3lbaw5o3fp32l
  13. This infamous shot of Manhatten bridge is taken from Dumbo.
  14. When I was in NYC in '17 I went lover to Dumbo and they were filming Gotham at the time, was well cool. Saw Ben McKenize & Jada Pinkett Smith
  15. Had similar from my sister in law. I do think we also forget that a lot of these lads are just kids themselves really. But yes, the older pro's / gaffers etc should be giving them guidance on what it means to sick kids to see them.
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