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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. As a precaution apparently. Crazy.
  2. Wont be their fault though
  3. I see the Bin Dippers have reversed their decision to furlough non playing staff too to save face. Shithouses.
  4. My SOL is a Consultant Paediatrician and I have a mate who's a Consultant at A&E and Yorks Air Amb (although they've been grounded now) and even before this I think all NHS staff are superstars.
  5. Stay safe Cat and I am sure you know we all think you're a star
  6. This may sound a daft question, but are IV antibiotics generally stronger than those in pill format?
  7. Alright Renton Mk 3.0 (Mk 2.0 is Gloomy btw)
  8. Why is there a 'weekend dip' of the deaths?
  9. It's OK he's an internet GP
  10. Death rate. How long it takes for the o/a numbers to double.
  11. True I did the same as I had a chesty cough. Then one morning I was coughing up blood.
  12. Did your lass get it? My pneumonia I had I am sure that was it too, but my wife has been fine. She had a sore throat for a couple of days but that's it.
  13. Until testing is about who fucking knows! @trooperhad a member of his family with it. Hope they're ok Troops btw.
  14. Got this from another forum I go on.
  15. A few lads I ride with have had a few vigilante close passes last week.
  16. I am actually going to go out for a ride tomorrow. See how I feel. I have been on the trainer at home, but gonna have a potter out for an hour.
  17. Surly that's utter bollocks. Isn't that a life guard walking there? That's bull shit IMO
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