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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Will start it tonight. I finished the second season of Killing Eve last night.
  2. Josh needs to google Xhamster
  3. Teasing everyone as ever trying to keep morale up. I like it.
  4. Just been for a walk into town to grab some bits. The amount of old wobblers is mad.
  5. Renton, I think you need to take some time offline. Honestly dude, for your own mental health.
  6. Pubs are our version of the second amendment
  7. That Corbyn though, fuck me, he's dangerous.
  8. That's because he's had them executed
  9. Vine is an utter bell end
  10. I think it stops droplets. It stops people spreading rather than you picking it up.
  11. It's caused by that fucking bungling idiot in No. 10. Has the cunt Self Isolated too?
  12. Can you imagine Churchill during the Blitz saying 'Yes, millions of you will die' Fuck me. He's more like Chruchill the fucking dog the floppy haired cunt.
  13. That's good Gloom, thanks for that. Nice bit of positive in this.
  14. A few things ring true though. The white noise out there at the moment is deafening. I was speaking to a mate yesterday (on the phone before anyone panics) and we were both saying Bungle Johnson should have been holding evening breifings. His lack of communication and even lack of effective communication is causing mass panic. Then you have bell ends at the moment like Pier Morgan throwing their tuppance in.
  15. I went to the corner shop earlier and on the way back the tree's are starting to bud, some have blossom on them. It's starting to get warmer, days getting longer. Imagine all this shit in mid December?
  16. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/corona-simulator/?fbclid=IwAR3SuwLFnxZkrQdpUuaqPQUuYfMeDdJlvtDMhJWiK61FMhe-puwk4Hj_TbU
  17. Other governments have closed bars and restaurants. To me it makes sense. BTW I have just been to Sainsburys near me and it was busy but still plenty on the shelves.
  18. All this bulk buying shite as all caused by lack of leadership by Bungle and his fucking cronies. My father in law who is 71 this year and has recenty had a couple of health issues was at the pub last night for a couple of pints, but it's ok apparently as it was a quiet pub. As for people going for a walk Gloom. Isn't that ok? Surly you cannot lock yourself away for months.
  19. A lad I know, his bird has set up a Facebook account for their 5 month old. Ffs
  20. The gimps at work on Friday were all giddy at the prospect of some time off work. What they don't seem to understand is our bread and butter are small jobs. When the economy goes tits up basically these smaller jobs will be stopped. They're fucked.
  21. You should get over for it if you can!
  22. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/03/italy-south-korea-differ-tackling-coronavirus-outbreak-200313062505781.html Interesting read
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