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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Fuck me. My brothers, brother in law lives in Chicago. A friend of his Mrs is 35 and is in a medically induced coma with it. She's apparently got no underlying medical issues either. Fuck me
  2. Had it in waves like you. I cant say I am massively worried about getting it. Infact, I could have even had it! I get worried about work, then I am ok, then worried about my old man, then I speak to him and he's in good spirits. I have limited myself on social media etc and tried to keep busy. I am currently on Annual leave so spent most of the day doing jobs in the garden I have been putting off for months. Stick in there Renton.
  3. My proposed job has been put on hold now as their office is shut. Spoke to my current gaffer and he's happy to keep me going. Could be in a whole worse situation like.
  4. One of my concerns is if we start seeing a trend for a few days of deaths slowing, people will see that as a sign as everything is OK and fuck off back out en masse.
  5. Doing some gardening and an old dear over the road comes out of a house and says 'Oh it's been lovely catch up I'll see you soon' What's wrong with old cunts?
  6. Daft cunt saying building sites can stay 2m apart. He's never been on a site in his life.
  7. I love all these photos from London as if they're holier than thou. Fuck me. They're part of the problem!
  8. It's Rentons way with dealing with it. He's just venting.
  9. Just had a text off my line manager. He's apparently spoken to the director in question who's been a cunt and they've all agreed we can work from home. They're just worried about the workshy not outputting. I've not replied. I won't get the email as I'm not logged into my work emails so fuck em. He's acted an utter cunt and shot himself in the foot big style.
  10. This is bringing a lot of cunts out. I have always been able to work from home. Yet the cunts expect me in because they have failed to address a bunch of cunts. Fuck that.
  11. I was stunned. Their loss. Fuck em
  12. Well, woke up this morning, got a shower and went to work (the room in my house) turned on my emails, now I am full fucking Radge! I spoke to the main gaffer yesterday who was more than fine me working at home. I got an email around 10 from the other director throwing his weight around asking for me to produce evidence on my sickeness and why I am on that at risk group. He said I need to proiduce comprehensive evidence on what I have done when off and working from home etc. This morning though fuck me. Another cunt of an email. This one at 21:15 AFTER the governments announcement, saying he wants me back in the office basically. Said my recent illness didn't put me at risk. I had to produce evidence I was on meds for it too. I said fine, i shall be in to collect me stuff at the weekend and good luck. Last week the main gaffer sent an email saying we all needed to bunker down and graft hard. Basically stop dicking about etc. Day after 3 workshy fuckers were either off sick or self isolating. Now the cunt is trying to broad brush and make it 'fair' for all. So he's shot himself in the foot. I am off sick and two jobs now won't go out this week. Well done cock nose. I finish in 8 days anyways.
  13. Chavs panic buying Lonsdale today
  14. It's utter madness. I am working from home (gaffer was sound btw) and I've seen groups of kids going past the house every now and then. WTF!
  15. A mate of mine works for a comapny supplying equipment to ICU's, He posted this on FB today. Somone asked his about the % of these, he the replied with this;
  16. One programme I always see adverts for is Impractical Jokers and jesus it looks absolute pony. If any positive comes out of the shit situation we're in, is people getting paid for fuck all skills in doing what them cunts do.
  17. Sex education like Gloom said is good. Noughts and Crosses on the Beeb is decent.
  18. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-DG7dCAUkE/?igshid=1nl96nf2l88c3
  19. He looks older than his mother
  20. Love the hastags on that post
  21. FFS Thats mad I was sat in the garden earlier reading. Neighbour came out and was on the phone to her mam and she said shes got a busy week going to see friends or friends coming to see her.
  22. Went for a walk locally and there were loads of people out clearly taking mummy for a mothers day walk. Absolutely mental.
  23. I'm pretty much first in anyway! I unlock the office and usually in on my own for a good couple of hours before the cunts come in
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