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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. How the chuff do they do that? Do they have to open you up?
  2. I have been looking at this guys feed, some postive stuff on it. https://twitter.com/ProfKarolSikora?s=20
  3. https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-3d-model-reveals-how-covid-19-can-spread-in-supermarket-11971373 This is a bit scary!
  4. Was it Tony Benn that said something about change. If people want it, they'll have to fight for it. Let's be honest, once the dust has settled, it will all go back to fucking normal.
  5. It's ok everyone, Boris is now out of ICU
  6. https://www.lastampa.it/topnews/primo-piano/2020/04/02/news/coronavirus-castiglione-d-adda-e-un-caso-di-studio-il-70-dei-donatori-di-sangue-e-positivo-1.38666481
  7. No instead they will fucking bail out their airlines of maybe give Dyson a job of making ventilators etc.
  8. Since Bozo has been in ICU, funny that Kuenssberg isn't there with her first question every night
  9. EFL Clubs did that two weeks ago. IIRC Leeds United did it first.
  10. His brother is sound though lol
  11. Just got back from a ride and I saw Ali Brownlee out with his mates. That's his chances at Tokoyo gone.
  12. Mackems furloughing players
  13. Do we have more than USA now? I am confused with the FT grapha #toomuchsun No, its deaths per day
  14. Why the fuck haven't they been tested? I know they will get shite from people due to the lack of testing but these cockwombles are supposedly running our country!
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