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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. I.e lets cancel flights etc to safer countries so we can spend our money here. Fuck of you floppy haired cunt.
  2. But obviously no islamaphobia in the Tories
  3. Any of you good looking (and dog ugly) fuckers got a referral code or the like for the Athletic?
  4. I think he genuinely want's shut of it as his investment into Debenhams and House of Fraser are fucked. But he is also a greedy cunt who wants his full whack of the club and he will not budge until he gets it. If you think we are shut of the guy soon I think you're wrong. We will have him as an owner for another decade or so. We are fucked as all I can see. We will be relegated next season and this time, we will stay down. I cannot see anything other than that.
  5. That's it at the end of the day. It's not about Football and I know the posters on here know that. Barring the odd WUM we do have a good bunch on here. It's elite sport, which is business and nothing more. Sport at the top level is corrupt as fuck.
  6. I would like for the PL for this to get very very messy for them. But I don't thick any fucks will be given.
  7. One thing that's comforting is thinking of that fat cunt being distraught
  8. I just can't see it. This isn't a plea to push the PL at all. They'll do their talking with a gun hopefully
  9. Apparently your dad is licking out your sister, hurry up and you can get two's on that tab end she's promised him
  10. I just knew this wouldn't go through. We are not allowed to have a chance at any glory. That's for the big 16 clubs or whatever fucking shite it is. But to have other clubs even asking the PL to not allow it is just fucking rank.
  11. Fucking Liverpool. Set of cunts. Don't want anyone else having a go eh? cunts. This surly isn't going to ho down well. A time where the area etc need investment. Oh well. Well done Masters you have well and truly fucked this eh. You fucking Villa cunt.
  12. There's no other bidders. In the current climate they'll be wanting at least £75m off the price of the club. That fat cunt will not be doing that
  13. If the cunts go back in for Man Yoo and it goes through, honestly it wouldn't surprise me one bit.
  14. We will be saying this for another 10 years that he's trying to sell it. No chance. We will be in League One by 2022. The Premier League have well and truly fucked us
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