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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Any half decent manager can get this lot playing a million times better, All they have to do is make them fucking train and play them in the right positions.
  2. We need a solid foundation to build on. Would you take a gamble on Gerrard to start that?
  3. Aye but no doubt there's some clause saying they have to stay for the remainder of the season.
  4. It's fucking mental init? here we were saying the other day how he would still be in a job in Jan whilst we were rock bottom. Fuck off hippo heed, your time is done.
  5. Wor Mandy has been for a walk around SJP 'Oooo no, those Sports Direct signs will have to go'
  6. The problem now though, prices will be inflated as we have rich owners.
  7. Listening to TalkSport (I know) 'Should football care about humanity?' If you say yes, all them kits made in Asia in kids sweat shops can fuck off etc etc. Get to fuck.
  8. Aye Conte is my first choice, but wouldn't guff at Jose. I am just saying we need someone who wants to manage. Rather than some cunt who just dreams of what sauce he's going to have on his kebab on the side lines
  9. I've read on Twitter (I know) that they were in the country sorting this out last week. I would even go for Howe to start with tbh.
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