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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. CT can you do a lineup foor Howe's team? Ritchie still playing left back eh 😆
  2. Will come this afternoon, they're having a siesta
  3. This fucking stinks of Charnely too. Get that penfold cunt out.
  4. Did he bring him some rice round? I've reported myself.
  5. I.e cross my palm with WADS of DOLLAR!
  6. Diego wouldn't say the fucking obvious
  7. Aye probably the fact we're minted they're just holding out for more.
  8. Well at least Eddie Howe has Championship experiance.
  9. Eddie Fucking Howe. Fuck me. IMO it's a gamble
  10. Aye he didn't rule it out last night did he?
  11. I this end's up being Howe after the excitement of yesterday fuck me.
  12. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/59143165 That headline They drew 2-2 with fucking Atalanta after going behind twice FFS. He hasn't scored a hattrick in the final and then delivered open heart surgery on Fergie the mad cunts
  13. Doesn't bollockache do a show with that cunt Glendenning? If this doesn't go through I'm blaming @Polarboy. NOBODY should change thread titles apart from @Tom
  14. Come on @Christmas Tree what was his reaction
  15. All the headlines will be about the doping CR7 tomorrow and what a legend he is. Nothing about how wank Ole is
  16. Keep us non BT wankers updated 😂
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