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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Fuck me were on double figure pages for a match thread
  2. According to the commentator on the wireless we have a player called Joe Ellington coming on
  3. So Brighton player down and continue playing. As soon as we get it we get booed and forced to knock the ball out.
  4. Whos ASM? Not interested? What about Ritchie playing further forward?
  5. How the actual fuck has wilson scored as many goals as he has in this shambles?
  6. Whats even worse. Bruce will get absolutely fuck all blame for this shower of shite at all.
  7. I hope Howe has told Mandy jones is to do instagram and that's it the useless cunt.
  8. If a check takes this long its not clear and obvious. Well done Jones you cunt.
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