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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. I want to see a photo of him telling Shelvey to pack his bags and fuck right off.
  2. Thus far they haven't mentioned him at all. It's Lampard and Gerrard etc. Yesterday Murphy said that Gerrard wants the Liverpool job and he will be at Rangers until then as there is no stepping stone in the Prem in between. They're absolutely deluded.
  3. Exactly. Not once has Bruce been mentioned for Norwich. I mean, isn't he a 'relegation specialist'?
  4. Totally forgetting which horrific cunt house paper he doodles for
  5. I don't think he's saying that. What he's saying is they've ridden their luck and are now dropping off a bit.
  6. Totally agree. They're still a decent threat going forward. Before the last two games they have played Liverpool, Chelsea and West Ham.
  7. Embarrassing that 'arry Jam Rolly Polly Redknapp is whoring out Lampard for every fucking job available at the moment.
  8. It's a new era. Let's be positive. Nee need for a comical name
  9. Also, were them photo's taken on a disposable camera?
  10. Like some replies to that Tweet. We are impressed that a gaffer is in work at a reasonable time to get grafting. Yet none of this will be picked up by the media. Or it will and it will be totally ignored as it doesn't fit their agenda.
  11. Fuck me. Bruce will have been a good 5 hours from getting up at that time.
  12. Has our Graeme put the cones out yet?
  13. £50m, so a couple of players then and maybe a couple of loans.
  14. Most of the replies think he's gone. Fuck me. Read it you thick fucks.
  15. Aye I know a lad who has his tongue so far up his arse he can taste his food for him. He does some development work for him and it wad common knowledge he was shagging birds whilst his wife was terminal
  16. Shelvey will be shitting himself on WhatsApp now 'ere Willy, what's the new gaffer like?' 'Bruv, e's a proper grafter, he makes you sweat your bollocks off, but e's sound' 'Fack' *Gypo has left the chat*
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