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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Fuck me. I am basically in love with this bloke.
  2. He's currently digging up the road outside the training ground as he got a hit
  3. The Demba Ba who made a massive 54 appearances for us
  4. Meanwhile to combat climate change we have done a deal with NZ to bring in onions. yeh, fucking exotic onions!
  5. Aye But what were they going to say 'No we don't want to pass it due to human rights issues' Meanwhile the cunts in the government are sucking them off :lol:
  6. Some of the people waiting fucking tragic man.
  7. I've just choked on my sandwich at that
  8. Rosyln will have a fanny like a top of an old wellington boot that's why.
  9. As does going to other area's of the world Spanish, French, Italian football is on it's fucking arse.
  10. 'Alreet Amanda, this is Wor Holly, sorry she stinks of piss. The wife hasn't had any change for the Laundorama like'
  11. Judging from what people have said about his time at Borne Mouth he will be in at the same time. YouTube kid will be having a lie in under his Harry Potter duvet this morning so we won't know until later.
  12. It's mega to see old players being inducted into the hall of fame by the new owners.
  13. Was one of the first things i thought about when i saw that
  14. Yorkshire: Club suspend coach Andrew Gale for tweet he sent in 2010 - https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/59227909
  15. https://www.instagram.com/p/CWETYp_q0TR/?utm_medium=share_sheet Didn't recignise him with hair
  16. I think you mean school. No fucking way is he old enough for uni. Plus, is he stood in a hole? Howe isn't Klopps height 😂 Canny shift for Howe!
  17. Look at city. Every single one grafts their bollocks off. Ronaldo on the other hand does fuck all off the ball and that's why hes gone missing against the big teams this season.
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