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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. You're worried about his English? It's gotta be better than lascelles just clapping like he's doing a Sea Lion impression
  2. Seville has the best defence in La Liga. He must be dog shit.
  3. Plus it's clear @Gemmillis following him as his profile is locked
  4. Apparently in Germany, @Isegrimcan confirm. Injuries and suspensions and loans are classed as available. To ask for a postponement you need less than 16 players.
  5. Time is quickly passing. I can see one more person coming in and that's it. Apparently howe want's to spend the final week of the window looking at loans. FFS That should be done in parallel
  6. Talk of Rodgers for every jiob has fucked off now too
  7. Ooooooohhhhhh but it's ok for Gemmill to link Al-fucking-fonso?!
  8. Wor Sean recons Carlos is done and should be finalised by Tues / Weds
  9. Also with decent CM they protect the back 4 better than the shite we have.
  10. I hope Carlos isn't the only one this week. They need to sort two this week min.
  11. You're a mug if you think football is clean! It's rife with PED's
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