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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. One thing that Howe has brought to us, is playing the game. I.e shithousing tackles to take one for the team. Disrupting the momentum of teams, like Leeds etc. Bruce didn't have the mental capcity to realise that's what teams do against us and we needed to do it. Burn & Targett were class.
  2. Burn screaming, love it. Targett and him have been great. WILLOCK? WHAT THE FUCK?!!?
  3. I wonder how many people will note how we have controlled Bowen today. Absolutely nobody I bet.
  4. Agree with Gem, both Joe's have been class. Shelvey needs a rest IMO. Last few weeks he's grafted his fucking nut off.
  5. Man, imagine clashing heeds with Joe? Be like smashing your face against a wall.
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