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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Koch didn't play yesterday but not sure if that was due to protocol or medical team doing their job correctly.
  2. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/2/24/and-so-cold-war-ii-begins Interesting
  3. People panic buying petrol ffs
  4. Its basically saying 'Daniel, splash the cash in summer or i am gone'
  5. Hmmm, it's also 100 years since the founding of the USSR
  6. He's 70 this year. Maybe he's marking it with this.
  7. It's a crime they're fucking student accommodation at the moment!
  8. Since the start of November, City have dropped 4 points in the league. Liverpool have dropped 5 points. The large gap was there due to postponments wasn't it?
  9. I wonder if the CL final will still be played in St Peteresburg
  10. Cuntbag and his party need to get out of bed with the Oligarchs When do people accuse Chelsea of Sports Washing?
  11. Sanctions will do fuck all. The west relies more on Russia doesn't it?
  12. Sounds like Contes arse has dropped out. Ready to walk. He must have misheard Levy when he said he will back him in the transfer window
  13. They're fucked. Bielsa must be speaking to them without his terp during games now. Oh well at least attendances at the Rhinos will go up again
  14. Aye. I heard someone say the other day how 'vastly' improved they were
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