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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. I would like to see Gayle get some time tbh. I can see some rotation deffo.
  2. Oh wait on, he was shagging a young bird want he? Not beating
  3. Always bought Mark Collis as he was mega
  4. He was given a run before wasn't he and he wasn't great.
  5. I don't think Joe's attitude has changed tbh. I think he has always been a grafter and a trier. Even with so many on his back, for legit reasons too.
  6. Off to Milan and then the Lakes in June, cannie wait. The bike is coming too. Oh and the my push iron
  7. The guff on the Beeb about Ten Haag been the first manager since Fergie others should fear blah blah. Fuck off man. He still has cunts like Maguire etc to contend with.
  8. I wouldn't take Lingard purely because he wore fucking gloves on Monday night the fucking ponce. He would be in a full Eskimo suit at SJP in August!
  9. Alan Smith and his Co-Cunt when we played Leicester made out we were on the beach. Get to fuck
  10. Along with like and thanks button we need an aubergine 🍆
  11. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? HASSENCUNT Once again bending the fucking rules.
  12. According to RedCafe they also have a summer budget of £200m
  13. Joe. His attitude has been something else for me.
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