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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Best thing is, Liverpool are getting so wound up about this
  2. He's got the brain cells of a grape so it's nailed on he will be
  3. Red Shit Tyler 'Weve seen them give' Aye usually to Salah you cunt.
  4. Second yellow coming up for him. They were in a decent position too the stupid little cunt
  5. TAA has shoved Gordon about 4 times now and got away with it
  6. So VAR works at Chelsea for Chelsea just not away teams
  7. My gaffer is sound AF and hates the scousers so IMO is on par legend status as G-Dogg
  8. Whoever runs or helps run Brunos social media the cunt in No 10 should be having a word. This mother fuckers game is strong
  9. My gaffer is a CIty fan. He may have been pissed last night but was texting me whilst MOTD was on. Said even without new players Newcastle will piss top 10 next season. Finished off with 'Welcome to the top 5 clubs, fuck off (Man) United'
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