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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. He's even lied over a letter on resignation 😂😂
  2. Just told him he's lost 32 starts stammering like he's on a jack hammer the mad cunt
  3. This bloke is fucking destroying him
  4. But but but they do countryfile
  5. Looks like Ian Hislop and Romesh Ranganathan behind him
  6. Did you say pincher by name pincher by nature. Totally refuses to answer. The fucking snake cunt
  7. Add me to that. Supposed to have a meeting today it was cancelled. Architect called me and told me the client wanted to watch PMQs and the news 😂
  8. Sky News have now got a ticker on his resignation, like it's a fucking Deli counter
  9. He's going to come out and first question will be, 'what's the number'
  10. They need Big Ben to do the countdown timer
  11. 30 now. Surly he's not in work tomorrow. SURLY
  12. Another one gone. Fuck me, it's speeding up
  13. Some of these ministers who are resigning. Do these trigger by-elecations?
  14. Nah. He's absolutely deluded. No doubt the wench will be cuddling him soon giving him some bitty to cheer him up
  15. https://news.sky.com/story/boris-johnson-live-updates-pm-fighting-for-political-life-after-sunak-and-javid-quit-12593360?postid=4125590#liveblog-body
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