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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Dodged a bullet with Erikson he looks wank 🤣
  2. Didn't watch the game. But at the start I would have taken a draw. Still unbeaten and future England Manager Potter won't be happy
  3. https://twitter.com/SevillaFC_ENG/status/1558128756493099012?s=20&t=Z4P9d8hdPBPjiweS3cxtVQ
  4. That photo of Paqueta is on his insta from July ffs
  5. That's the plane that was tracked 😂 Google the owner of the plane and that's the company logo. Pic posted 3 minutes ago apparently 😂
  6. In Eddie's presser today, do they expect him to say 'Yeh, we are speaking to someone' and then spook other teams into going for our targets
  7. HassenBITCH apparently under pressure from players and not happy about him 😂 fuck off you spitfire drinking whore
  8. 🤣 Some people actually think this is the real Ashworth
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