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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Big Joe. Wow. He's mint and I bet he's a cunt to play against lol
  2. Fuck off your honeymoon is over you cunt
  3. That's him scoring then and the likes of Ormstein wanking like a teenage boy
  4. A lad who's been forced to play after coming back from injury because of other injuries. What a fucking WUM
  5. I think we will go in for Trafford. He's still v young for a 'keeper. However, if we bring him in before RW / CB / Striker I think there maybe a meltdown at Fake Faith Spaniel Tits Towers.
  6. I am only reciting a story, which is probably utter bollocks. However negotiations usually start with a demand from the party. Here Leeds said they're giving him x without hearing what his demand was.
  7. If Amanda was putting her nose in for transfer negotiations and fucking the PSR IF
  8. Reminds me of the story when Leeds bought Seth Johnson. He went in to see Peter Ridsdale with his agent and wanted £20k a week. They go in Peter said something like 'you're not getting more than £30k a week take it or leave it' they both looked stunned so he says 'OK £40k' basically that was his negotiations and that's how he fucked Leeds over.
  9. The FA will surely change the.rules if these fuckers got close to relegation. 😂 I'm at a friend's house tonight who is a 'Yewnited' fan. Him and all his brothers are. Have absolutely fuck all connection to the place other than they grew up in the 90s I.e Glory seeking fuckers. He's a top lad though. His daughter has just started playing football and for Christmas they got hey a a shirt. I told her I needed some rags for cleaning my bike 😂 We should spank these, should, but I have fuck all confidence going to that place with its twisted voodoo shit.
  10. Agree with Andrew fully. Amorim needs about 3 years to get this fucker turned around. Will he get that?
  11. Minutes silence at Anfield next game no doubt.
  12. You know what. If I did win some money (I don't do the lottery anyways) I would travel etc, but I would certainly try and volunteer to do stuff. I do some work for a homeless charity locally and do get a lot of enjoyment out of it. Just chatting to em you learn a lot and it keeps you grounded and makes you realise how very lucky you are
  13. We finished season 4 of brassic last night. Fucking love it. I'd love to see keegan and that other lass bang at it tbh
  14. We finished it last night. It's good. But some of the stuff you see you just think nah. Like it supposed to be winter so they're all done up in coats scarves etc. But people in the background at one point in shorts and t-shirt.
  15. I'm with you @Christmas Tree (ironic name BTW). Had a mint time in the lakes. Couple of nights on the booze mixed in with some nice walks albeit weather wasn't great. Came back home and thankfully I've got stuff I can do. So yesterday went out with the lads for a few hours on the bike. Then I came home had a snooze then made a nice dinner. It's the messing about with routine that puts me out. So remembering what day it is, who were going to see this day etc. NYE I've always thought was shit tbh. We're going up to see friends near Helmsley. Off for an early tea and the just coming back home. Will probably be in bed for midnight 😂 I do wonder that as you get older the more like a bairn you are in some aspects. I.e needing that routine to keep you in balance.
  16. Wow never heard of that side effect. That sounds nasty. Hopefully these get you over the line and you can soon have a cheeky bum wank again.
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