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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. BTW Anything on the news about the unarmed black lad murdered by the police in London yesterday?
  2. Major on the Beeb 'We thought it (her passing) would be postponed' Fuck me John lad. She was 96!
  3. Klopp's teeth must be rattling at that Oh no, it's a rain storm.
  4. All sport will be cancelled. I am expecting the Tour of Britain to be cancelled.
  5. I assume all sport will be postponed this weekend then
  6. She did fuck all to stable that cunt Boris. Or putin etc
  7. Listening to LBC and shegla fogherty said her friend texted her and said the train she was on everyone was crying. Why lie?
  8. They're probably running after Charles as he's got the crown on and won't take it off
  9. Potter has straight had his massive move overshadowed BTW 😂
  10. Sorry. I mean Harry. Don't want people thinking G-Dogg has an invite. He's nee Alex Hurst like.
  11. Apparently ginger pubes still isn't there. They're probably waiting for that
  12. I love you follow planet jedward, 😂
  13. Lad who I know works for the RAF and is 'security' is apparently on his way to Scotland for work 👀
  14. They've just interviewed a young tory cunt. 19 year old who's driven to Sandringham to lay flowers. GO HAVE SEX YOU SAD CUNT
  15. Wasn't maxwell and Jeff at Balmoral with Andy once?
  16. When I was in north Yorkshire yesterday they still have platinum bollocks shite up. Take it down you sad tory cunts
  17. Just listened to LBC for a bit. They're at Sandringham. Apparently some Tourists are 'deeply concerned' Fuck me. They're just nosy cunts you mugs
  18. She will have gone and they're just allowing the family to pay their respects imo
  19. Your currently been tracked on gonna be done for treason
  20. I remember after the Manchester Bombing Adrian Chiles was on 5Live. he was speaking to a young lass who was at the gig about what it was like. Then said 'So, enough of the bombs, was it a good gig?'
  21. Imagine if it is? Klopps teeth will be in a world of pain! Thing is most of the daft cunts will have their bunting out, crying celebrating. Then next day moaning about cost of shit.
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